Osteopathy is a manual therapy that aims to improve the environment within the body to allow its normal function. Osteopaths work on the basis that structure governs function, and that one can have an effect on the other. In other words, if the body and/ or the mind body connection  is out of balance, or not being used or looked after well, it won’t function correctly, and at some point in the near or distant future, it will show signs and symptoms of this dysfunction.

Osteopaths use a combination of manipulation. mobilisation, soft tissue/massage,  stretching, rehabilitative exercise, and nutrition advice to try to achieve an optimum environment within the body, to allow the individual’s self- healing, self-maintaining and self-regulating processes to take place. We also aim to explore external stresses that may be contributing to the problem (eg stress at work), and try to find workable solutions. 

The stresses and strains of daily living, be it posture related, overuse, environmental, emotional or nutritional, especially if sustained, can cause strain on our bodies and the mind-body connections. We aim to address all these issues in a quest for health and wellness. The body requires a sufficient blood supply (to feed oxygen to our body parts), a sufficient nerve supply (to control our organs, bodily processes, muscles and joints and soft tissues), and sufficient drainage (to remove toxins from our body parts) to achieve health. As an example think of squeezing a hose pipe. Not enough water will come out to feed the plants and they start to wilt. The same happens in our bodies; if our nerves or blood vessels are squashed by tight muscles and joints (e.g. through dysfunctional movement patterns, lack of use or overuse) the oxygen cannot be delivered efficiently, waste cannot be removed, and nerves cannot conduct their information properly, which leads to a decline in our body function. Stresses in their many guises (physical, nutritional and emotional) can lead to central sensitisation, which is the cause of chronic pain. Osteopathy (sometimes using additional therapies) can by used in the treatment and prevention of this and restoring normal function. 


Osteopathy is used in the treatment of:

- generalised aches and pains

- joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis as an adjunct to core OA treatments and exercise

- arthritic pain

- general, acute and chronic backache (not arising from injury or accident)

- uncomplicated mechanical neck pain

- headache arising from the neck/ migraine prevention

- frozen shoulder/ shoulder and elbow pain/ tennis elbow arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck

- circulatory problems

- cramp

- digestion problems

- joint pains, lumbago

- sciatica

- muscle spasms

- neuralgia

- fibromyalgia

- inability to relax

- rheumatic pain

- minor sports injuries and tensions


What to expect:

You will have an initial consultation, which will cover the reason for the visit, some general information about yourself and a medical history. It may seem a bit long-winded at first but we have to make sure there is no underlying medical reason for your presenting complaint. We may refer you for further testing if we deem it necessary (e.g. blood test, X-Ray).

You may also wish to have a chaperone, be it a friend or relative. If this is the case please let us know before you attend the clinic. Please wear comfortable clothing.

You will then be given an osteopathic examination, involving looking at your posture and assessing how your muscles, joints and connective tissues work. There may be some discomfort as you may have to move the symptomatic region, however we will always work with you on this.

Assuming all is satisfactory and a working diagnosis can be made, treatment will be commenced based on the techniques listed above. Explanations will be given for treatment rationales. There may be some discomfort following treatment, again because of the moving of, and working on the dysfunctioning body parts. It may be necessary to work on other areas of the body that may be directly or indirectly causing the dysfunction. This will be done on subsequent treatments. Usually you can expect to be seen 3-6 times. Then maintenance treatments may be advised.


Are there any risks, side effects or complications associated with Osteopathic treatment?

As with all things these days we are obliged to warn you of any risks or side effects associated with osteopathic treatment, no matter how small. Side-effects are the unwanted, but mostly mild and temporary effects of a successful treatment.

If you do have any side effects, they may include muscle soreness, spasm, discomfort or mild pain, headache or tiredness. These usually only last a day or two. You may experience more acute discomfort in some cases depending on how your body reacts, but again it shouldn’t last long and there are measures you can take to reduce discomfort.


Complications are when problems occur during or after the treatment.

As with all interventions, there are risks associated with spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). Infrequent, but potentially serious side effects include: damage to an artery and stroke, spinal disc herniation, vertebral and rib fractures and cauda equina syndrome  (damage to the bundle of nerves at the base of your spine), fracture, and sympotoms related to underlying pathology.  All These are usually related to serious underlying pathology, which is always screened for in your case histories and physical examination, so there really is no need to worry. Estimates from studies of manual therapies, including osteopathy, suggest serious patient incidents following manipulation are 1 per 100,000-1,000,000 manipulations, or 1 per 50,000-100,000 patients. This is across all manual therapies, not osteopathy alone. 

Osteopaths are trained to check the suitability of treatment and for risk factors.

If you do not want to have these treatment modalities (which are not always indicated in any case), or you want to discuss in more detail, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Sports and Remedial Massage is a form of bodywork geared toward participants in athletics. It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries.It uses a mixture of soft tissue massage, stretching, muscle energy technique (MET) and soft tissue release (STR) to achieve this.


Refelexology is a therapy that works mainly on the feet, but occasionally on the hands. By working on reflex points on the feet, it can have a physiological affect on the body part that corresponds with it. Techniques are gentle, using the fingers and thumbs to make small movements and pressure points over the reflex points.

Reflexology is safe for most people, but if you are unsure please do get in contact to discuss any concerns you may have. The first session will include case history taking, and if all is found to be safe, a treatment will follow. Patients will be asked to remove their socks and shoes.


Kinesiology is a holistic therapy which uses muscle response testing to measure the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge. By doing this, imbalances can be determined and methods to rebalance the body can be indicated.

Assessments are made using gentle manual muscle response testing to identify imbalances which may be contributing to the client's loss of health and well-being, and ways to restore balance. Clients are fully clothed.

Kinesiology practitioners do not diagnose or treat any condition. The belief is that, by balancing the body, stress is removed, allowing the individual to heal themselves. Therefore, kinesiology is a dialogue between the practitioner and the individual where, together, they observe what is happening in the body. People often report reduced stress, improved energy and reduction of pain after experiencing a session.

Challenges that may be tested include emotional stresses, food intolerances, supplements, primary reflexes and physical imbalances.